Unconditional love

Sam and Frodo


Sam and Frodo - Unrequited love

The greatest love story never told. It's the kind of stuff that possum poets write about all over the world. Poor little Frodo. All he ever wanted in life was to be with Sam and she would avoid the embrace at great lengths.

Throughout the house you could hear his clicks. They were kept apart but whenever he did pick up her scent, the poor guy would spend hours wandering around looking for his love and every few seconds giving that special little click with the side of his mouth. They were obviously brother and sister, but more than that, he had a minor deformity as a baby that I guess translates into "no action" in the possum world.

He was the Uncle Traveling Matt of the possum world, always eager to explore corners of the house that he hadn't yet seen. Sam was the Queen of that world and we her willing subjects.

She was a truly special possum; Sam. She would happily take an embrace and would often climb up on the sofa with us, trying to find a fallen snack perhaps as we watched TV. She would climb on our shoulders and more than once sat atop my head as she perched high so that she could survey her queendom from a height. And despite having the nails to do serious damage to a bald head, not once did she even scratch me. Gentle was her middle name.

One of the most difficult aspects of sharing lives of possums is how quickly their little lives are over. From a syringe-drinking baby, to an inquisitive adolescent, to a senior citizen ... it all happens in the space of a year or two. And while you are busy investing your life in human years, they live out theirs in possum years.

Frodo was the longest living possum we had and while I won't put a human-time on it, he lived to a ripe old age and showed every "possum year" on his beautiful little face.

Sam and Frodo gave us our first insight into how strong a possum tail is. They used theirs masterfully and when they wrapped their tails around the leg of a chair (as they often did when you tried to pick them up) they and the chair would move in unison. If we were to ever write a fictional story of possum adventures (and maybe one day we will), then it must definitely be called Possum Tales.


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Feel free to use any for non-commercial purposes if you wish and all we ask is that you provide a link back to the source so that we can continue to spread the good word about possums. That word is "Love".

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All Possums Go To Heaven

4220 Itchepackesassa Blvd

Lakeland, FL 33810

Email: info@allpossumsgotoheaven.com
Website: www.allpossumsgotoheaven.com